The Purpose of Living is Happiness

By Suzanne Falter

Joy is a high space, the highest. And it's our pathway in this lifetime to move as speedily as possible toward it. When we don't, we simply languish.

We let fear, guilt, indecision, a sense of loss, loneliness, and the empty sense of not being enough pervade us. Yet that's not the point of life.

The point of life, dear friend, really is to move as swiftly as practicable toward joy. Then we are liquid, alive, and totally engaged. All 5 senses are working for us as we move naturally toward what we most very desire. We are living our purpose cleanly and easily. We are no longer lost- we are found! And so we start to understand God.

Ironically, plenty of the faiths of this life impose their rules of iniquity on us and plunge us into guilt. And so remove us from our deepest experiences of Almighty God. Yet even without faith we can do that job for ourselves. We suspect we are not to be trusted. For then we will mire ourselves in all of the damaging experiences of life. We will become nothing apart from greedy devourers and gutbuckets; we will lose our personality, our backbone, our courage!

They fear we'll be lost forever from our sacred mildness.

Ah, but dear one, when you move with commitment toward that which you adore, you become far more humble! For then you fall head over heels in love with life. Your delight becomes so strong then you are no longer obsessive about suffering, and your own needy wish to find one tiny grain of goodness.

Instead you naturally start to turn toward others with pure love. And so you do, indeed, discover your holy humility.

Then you are no longer all about your wounds, your sadness, and the injustices you suffered at such a young age. You are not a woeful story but instead you become a glowing being. And so you are brought to the grace of The Lord God, and therefore know the eternal peace that is the point of life.

Now we are at the crossroads in time in which everyone are being invited to understand this bigger Grace. And to do so , one simply must become radiant again to allow joy to become the point. This is precisely what is happening now as much moves around in the world, and we are delivered into a new time-space continuum.

We are shifting as the Earth shifts; our attunement is being tightened up one or two notches, like holes being added to a favorite old leather belt. But we are suspicious of this joyful new technique of being, for we were taught so long ago not to trust it.

We suspect that it'll flee as quickly as we do "all the work" needed to get it. Or that it won't serve us well. Or even more than this , that we don't deserve to live in joy. Suffering appears so much more familiar and right, somehow, does it not? And so we keep "trying" to get to joy - but we keep getting stuck in an inexpensive imitation marked by doubt and an obscure sense of guilt.

Ah, but dear chums, making a path toward what you actually desire for yourself simply must occur now. For without it, you'll lose the greatest opportunity of your life. It needs bravery, of course. You will have to take positions and make requests that may come as a shock to a few people or be deeply upsetting.

You'll lose a few mates on the way and become less well liked by those you once considered mates. Yet, maybe they were voices in the wind who supported your personal limitations. Perhaps they also know the supposed security of staying tiny in self-limitation and so they urge you to hang on to yours out of self-preservation.

Do not be scared, dear one. You can have trust in your bliss. That is why it was brought to you in the first place. You can have trust in the finely tuned crosshairs of your dream as it knows exactly where to go and what to do. And it will tell you as you go. Your only job is to get.

For you aren't as alone as you suspect. There's a heavenly chorus of angels, archangels and the area of God looking over your shoulder as you go. And there's your own extreme, sweet soul wishing for once you would listen.

But will you? Because if you do, you've not got anything less to find out than the kingdom of heaven made manifest on Earth. That's what we are all up to this time, at this time, in this world.

Can you let yourself appear to become the being you actually are?

Because believe it to be true or not, for you to become anything less actually would be a disappointment to us all. You matter, Dear Friend, more than you can think of. And all you must do at the day's close is tune in, work out what you wish, and go for it with your heart.

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