Car Accident Back Pain Helped With Jacksonville, FL Auto Accident Doctor

By Cody Rine

With so many automobiles on the road every day, it follows that there are thousands of collisions. With injuries, it is usually the back and neck areas that are most affected. When this kind of damage occurs, many seek relief with a Jacksonville FL auto accident doctor.

Doctors who concentrate on one area of the body are well acquainted with anything that can go wrong there. Anyone who has been in an collision and has back pain lasting for more than a few days needs to seek the help of this kind of professional.

When a consultation is held with this kind of a doctor they will inquire about the collision, as well as where the pain is located. They will also ask about previous medical history and take x-rays of the affected area, before a giving a physical examination.

The main part of the back is, of course, the spine, which has 33 individual bony vertebrae, each of which has an intervertebral disc. In addition, there are muscles, tendons, ligaments, spinal nerves, and blood vessels that must work in harmony to provide the ability to stand upright, bend, and twist.

A common damage caused by a car accident is a herniated disc. This is also known as a ruptured or slipped disc. When this occurs, the disc is deflated and the bones rub together. At the same time, pressure is placed on the nearby nerves. The result is often weakness, pain, or numbness in different parts of the body.

Older people have brittle bones and when in a vehicle collision often suffer from compression fractures. This is when small cracks occur in the bones of the spine, causing collapse of the vertebrae or a deformity. When a person is in an accident and there is resulting pain it is time to seek a Jacksonville FL auto accident doctor who will be able to locate the source of the pain and provide some relief.

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