Six Things You Need To Know About Long Term Care Insurance And The Indemnity Long Term Care Insurance Payment

By George Lafervor

When you get an indemnity long term care insurance quote it's important to know a few things first. This is a good policy for you if you are on a limited budget. Here are 6 critical things you must know about this kind of policy and the payment you might have.

1. An indemnity long term care insurance policy has a fixed quantity of benefits. There is a cap on this. Unlike an inflation policy this amount will cap out at a certain amount.

2. The long run care insurance cost for the monthly payment is always the same. If you are on a fixed budget and you cannot afford a changing or skyrocketing standard payment you most likely will benefit from this type of plan. Your payment will remain the same irrespective of the kind of expense which has occurred.

3. An expense incurred plan reimburses you the amount of money you've got to pay for care up to the benefit amount you have paid into. For example, if your benefit amount is $300 a day for long-term care and you want someone to help two times a week at $100 a day you will be paid the full $300 amount. Many plans will leave the money in your account or your pool of benefits available for you. Some will cut you a check.

4. An indemnity plan will only pay the long term care insurance cost only if a medical expense was incurred also. If there is no medical expense then the benefit amount may not be paid to you.

5. An indemnity monthly payment is what you need it to be because you have the ability to select the quantity of benefits you need to have per day, month, week, etc . When you get a long-term care insurance quote you can stipulate the amount of benefit when you get the policy. Many people base this on their earnings and what they can afford to put into their long term care.

6. As you can with other long-term care policies you can share an indemnity policy with your spouse. You can pay a monthly payment into the policy and use it accordingly if either of you need to need any kind of long-term care.

An indemnity long term care insurance quote looks much nicer to folk than an inflation quote because the payment remains the same thru the life of the policy or you.

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